Our parents chose to give birth to us and they did. They could as well elect not to produce children! They decided at a stage in our lives to send us to schools. Some parents decided not to educate their children! Some us that are lucky to be sent to school chose to drop out and they did! All of us have the choice to work or to remain idle. Many chose to work while some decided not to work. Many decided to get married and they did. Some decided against marriage. Some chose to plan for their retirement by investing wisely while they work while some of us decided to lavish all that we have on wine, alcohol and women (WAW)! Death, though, inevitable as we know, yet some of us elect to die well by impacting our generations positively while some elected to be remembered for the evils they did to their own generations!
Above all, some of us, rather than focus on pursuing all the seven stages of life so as to make good successes out of them choose to abandon them altogether and focus our attention on mundane things which distract them from the good destinies that have been ordained for them. Some of these are laziness leading to poverty, disobedience to God leading to curse, disobedience to parents which lead to avoidable mistakes that eventually cut short the lives of such children. Some chose to meditate upon the word of God, study hard as students and they become knowledgeable and wise; some choose the path of complaining and they dry up; some pursue their own selfish wills and end up in frustration.
Whichever way we go, the repercussions, good, or bad are always there for us. The writer continues to wonder how our youths today remain unemployed in the face of massive employment opportunities available to them. They just don’t want to start their lives in a low-key. They want to get rich quick. They complain about not being rich when they are unfaithful in the little assignments that are placed before them to become rich in life.This is sad but it is the reality of our lives which if nothing is done about, the repercussions are awaiting us at one point in our lives or the other.
Youths are therefore particularly enjoined to ensure that they take their lives seriously by moving closer to God and be prepared to labour with their own hands so that their lives can be better than those of the generations before them. Though, golden as these counsels may be, it’s all a matter of choice!